AutoCrit will automatically track stats associated with your file and allow you to set time and word count goals. With a file open, these features can be shown or hidden from view based on your customized display settings. Here is a full list of the file word count, timer, and goal features available:
This value represents the total number of words you have added to this specific file today. Each day this value will begin at 0. This value does not include words that are copied and pasted into the file if they are over 70 words. This value was designed to count those words physically typed into the file and will switch from a red color to green color as you pass your file daily word count goal. The display of this value and your daily word count target goal can be adjusted in the word count settings menu (shown as #7 in the image).
This value represents the total number of words you have deleted in this specific file today. Each day this value will begin at 0. This value does include sections of text which are highlighted and cut/deleted from the file. The display of this value may be toggled on/off by adjusting the settings found in the word count settings menu (shown as #7 in the image).
This value represents the total number of words in this specific file. This value does include sections of text which are copied and pasted into the file that are over 70 words. The display of this value may be toggled on/off by adjusting the settings found in the word count settings menu (shown as #7 in the image).
This timer can be used to track time working in the file. Clicking on this feature will initiate the timer. Once initiated, the timer can be paused or reset on demand. The display, time duration, count-up/count-down, and sprint/pomodoro styles can be customized under the word count settings menu (shown as #7 in the image).
This value represents the current rate (words per minute) you are typing into the file. When the timer feature (#4) is in use, this value will automatically update when the timer is running. When the timer is paused or in rest mode, the value will not be updated. When the timer feature is not displayed or hidden, the pace value will update automatically whenever you type in the file. The average daily value will be stored in the system. The display of this value and your target pace goal may be adjusted in the word count settings menu under the Positive Reinforcement section (shown as #7 in the image).
This feature is a gauge of your writing focus. The value displayed adjusts based on the time you pause between typing in the file. The longer you pause, the positive reinforcement message changes to represent the lack of activity. The duration you allow yourself to pause between typing words can be set in the settings menu under the Positive Reinforcement section (shown as #7 in the image).
7. The Word Count Menu / Timer Settings Menu
This menu allows you to toggle on/off and customize the word count and timer features noted above. Let's take a look at the options:
Word Count settings
The Word Count option, shows or hides, the Added Today, Deleted Today and Word Count from view.
The Show daily added and deleted word count option shows or hides the Added Today and Deleted Today counters only.
The Daily word count goal option will make your words Added Today turn red, and then flip to green once your Daily Goal target is reached. You can specify this in the Daily Goal words/day input field.
Celebrate Every __ words added will have a celebration image appear once you reach the amount of words, you can find out more about this feature here.
Writing Timer Settings
The Show Writing Timer option allows you to show or hide the Writing Timer at the top of your Writer's Desk.
Pomodoro timer settings
Duration - This sets the timer's amount of minutes to count.
Break - This sets the length of the break.
Cycle - This sets the amount of cycles with the above settings, you wish to have. Between each cycle is a break.
Count up/Count down - This allows you to set whether you want your timer to count up (1, 2, 3) or down (3, 2, 1).
Play Music While Typing - This option allows you to play your selected music while your timer is counting only.
Play Music While Resting - This option allows you to play your selected music during a break only.
Pro Tip: You can play different styles of music while typing and resting so you do not need to watch the clock.
Sprint timer settings
Duration - This sets the timer's amount of minutes to count.
Count up/Count down - This allows you to set whether you want your timer to count up (1, 2, 3) or down (3, 2, 1).
Play Music - This option allows you to play your selected music while your timer is counting.
Positive Reinforcement settings
The Positive Reinforcement feature is designed to encourage you to stay focused and keep up your pace while working with a writing timer.
Show Positive Reinforcement - This shows or hides the Pace and Focus features in your Writer's Desk.
Pace - This field sets the number of words you are expecting to write per minute. If you're above your set words per minute, it will reflect positively in your Pace indicator.
Focus - This field sets the maximum number of seconds you're allowing yourself to pause during your writing. If you're not pausing for too long, this will reflect positively in your Focus indicator.
NEW Feature: Celebrations
You can now set your Writer's Desk to show a pop-up celebration after typing a set amount of words:
Tracking Your Progress Over Time
Clicking on any of the word count or pace values will display a graph of your word count and pacing stats over time as shown in the following image:
Clicking the checkboxes at the bottom of the graph will turn on/off the display of that variable. You can also set a start and end date range to display. Clicking the check box for “Goal” will open a field where you can set an overall target word count for this specific file. A straight goal line will be displayed based on the date range you select starting at 0 words and ending at your target word count at the end of the date range. The example shown in the image indicates a goal of 8000 words to be added between 8/4/2023 and 8/9/2023.